Access module metadata.









The name of the current module scope.


When modulr loads a module file, it assigns the module's name to .__name__. A module file can discover whether or not it is running in the main scope by checking if .__name__ has value "__main__". This allows a common idiom for conditionally executing code in a module file when it is run as a script (see example). It is mainly useful when one wants to write a module file which can be executed directly as a script and alternatively declared as a dependency and used by other modules.


Do not assign to any metadata in the workspace, because this will always mask the object of the same name in package:modulr.

See also

define and make.


# script.R "script" %provides% { cat("Hello World\n"); print(.__name__) } if (.__name__ == "main") make() # EOF ## Not run: source("script.R") make("script")
#> Hello World #> [1] "script"